Cyber Security

Essential Eight Assessment

The Australian Cyber Security Centres (ACSC) Essential Eight is seen as the baseline framework for cyber security maturity to help Australian organisations mitigate cyber security incidents.

This Assessment will help you understand your current maturity levels and prioritise a roadmap to Essential Eight compliance.

How well does your business comply to the Essential Eight ?

According to the Cyber Incident Response Service (CIRS) 2021, “84% of reported incidents in 2020/21 could have been prevented or significantly minimised by the implementation of at least one of the Essential Eight controls”.

Telstra Purple, proudly Australian, provides an affordable Essential Eight Assessment to help organisations baseline and achieve a clear understanding of their Essential Eight maturity levels. Our experienced security professionals will assess and recommend a tailored roadmap to adhere to and boost your maturity levels under the Australian Cyber Security Centres (ACSC) Essential Eight framework.

Ideal For

  • Understanding the security posture of your organisation against “ACSC Essential Eight Maturity Model”.
  • Identifying the key practices that are required to improve the posture and maturity of your environment.
  • Organisations that need an affordable, independent assessment to be completed quickly with minimal internal resource requirements.

How does it work?

  • A dedicated Security Expert will be assigned, to conduct a series of workshops, to understand and define your goals.
  • Your current environment is assessed and evaluated against the ACSC Essential Eight Framework and Maturity Model.
  • A comprehensive assessment report will be generated, showing maturity levels, areas of risk and recommendations to boost your cyber posture.
  • Provide a face to face or virtual meeting to present the formal report, and help your team understand our findings and recommendations.
  • Our Security Expert will help your team plan and prioritise a roadmap to Essential Eight compliance.


Assessments are tailored to your needs and goals, POA

The Outcome

A comprehensive assessment report will be presented to your organisation, showing maturity levels, areas of risk and a recommended roadmap to Essential Eight compliance. 

To learn more or register for the Essential Eight Assessment, simply leave us your details.

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