Security is an important topic for the Internet of Things, and there are several considerations to secure device identity. A good practice is to use secure protocols (such as TLS or DTLS) for transmitting any sensitive information over the network and to ensure that passwords and other sensitive information are securely stored.

This article will provide an example of using X.509 client certificates for connecting to Azure IoT, using the Nordic Thingy:91 platform. The certificates are securely loaded directly to the device, so they are not exposed in the device firmware.

Using certificates allows a hierarchy of trust to be established, allowing system owners to delegate certificate management to third parties while retaining control of the root trust.

The article also covers the usage of IPv6, and accessing IPv4 servers from the Telstra IoT network, running in IPv6-only mode and using NAT64.

Nordic Thingy:91 Cellular IoT Prototyping Platform, unboxed.

Commercial vs consumer requirements

Commercial devices need assurance that the host is communicating with the correct device, and are often deployed in remote locations, out of direct control of the owner, and physically accessible to potential attackers.

The ownership of the device usually doesn't change throughout its life, and the owner needs a way for efficient large-scale deployment and management. Both device identity and the server verification details (usually a bootstrap server) can be baked in at the factory.

Using a bootstrap service, such as Azure Device Provisioning Service (DPS), or a Lightweight Machine-to-Machine (LwM2M) bootstrap server, allows initial authentication and client verification to be done with a master set of credentials that then exchange the actual credentials, and server, to use for operations.

In some cases bootstrapping can also be done in the factory or using field mechanisms such as smart cards.

Using public key cryptography (e.g. X.509) with client certificates allows security provisioning to be delegated through a hierarchy. For example, the owner of a product can sign a delegate key for a component manufacturer to use to generate device certificates, whilst retaining ownership of the master key.

Some hardware includes built-in support for certificates, allowing the private key to be securely stored and not accessible to attackers.

Other mechanisms are possible, such as a pre-shared key or a password, but they require the keys or secrets to be shared around, so can be less secure.

Consumer devices

In contrast, consumer devices have different requirements.

The owner is unknown at the point of manufacture, and often the owner will want complete local secure control of the device without any access by the manufacturer. Standards such as Matter require local connection support, with network connections as an optional extra.

Consumer devices may also be onsold or change owner, or the owner may simply have forgotten the password. The device is usually under the physical control of the owner and often physically secure, e.g. inside a house (although in some cases they may be external such as a doorbell or security camera).

Together this means that devices usually use some version of trust-on-first-use (TOFU), with a physical means to reset the device.

For example, a new owner of a smart dishwasher can use the physical controls to do a reset; the device then broadcasts an open WiFi connection and trusts the first device that completes the provisioning process, usually the new owner's mobile phone.

Resetting usually needs to also clear any details stored in the system, for privacy reasons.

Introduction to the Nordic Thingy:91

The Thingy:91 is an NRF9160-based cellular IoT prototyping device. It is relatively cheap and comes in a small case with an integrated battery and nano SIM card slot.

There is a comprehensive Nordic Software Development Kit and tooling framework (nRF Connect), based on Zephyr OS. The SDK has many examples, including a full example asset tracking application with ultra-low power-saving features, offline retry handling, configuration over the air (COTA), and firmware over the air (FOTA).

The example includes connection libraries for Azure, AWS, LwM2M, and Nordic's own nRF Cloud.

The Azure library includes support for bootstrapping via DPS, and for X.509 client certificates. You can configure the certificates directly in the modem, using their modem application firmware and LTE Link Monitor tool. This replicates the way a production rollout might be arranged, with certificates installed directly into devices, separate from the firmware itself.

For details see

Nordic Thingy:91, Cellular IoT Prototyping Platform, boxed product

Toolchain setup

You can manage Nordic development using the nRF Connect for Desktop manager

If you don't have it already, first download and install VS Code.

On Ubuntu Linux, the package is called 'code' and can be installed with sudo snap install --classic code. On Windows, you can use winget install Microsoft.VisualStudioCode -e.

Then Download and Install nRF Connect to your computer, and use it to install the Toolchain Manager, the Programmer, and other tools as needed

nRF Connect Deskop tool, showing buttons to open LTE Link Monitor, Programmer, and Toolchain Manager.

Then use the Toolchain Manager to install the required version of the SDK; at the time of this article, it was v2.3.0. This will also install the required VS Code extension. The Toolchain Manager can also be used to open a Terminal with the right settings for building.

You can use VS Code, and the nRF Connect extension to create and write applications, then compile from VS Code (or the Terminal).

The Programmer is then used to load compiled applications onto the Thingy:91 via a USB micro cable, via MCU Boot.

The setup of the Azure certificates in the first half applies to all device types. To set up certificates you need:

  • PowerShell
  • Azure CLI
  • OpenSSL

The second half of the article demonstrates using the Thingy:91 to connect. To program this sample you will need:

  • Nordic Thingy:91
  • LPWAN SIM card (e.g. from Telstra)
  • Visual Studio Code

Focus on IPv6

IPv6, with its increased address range, is very important for Internet of Things (IoT) projects, particularly large-scale rollouts.

The Telstra IoT network, including LTE-M and NB-IoT, has full support for IPv6, including IPv6-only connections using DNS64 (domain name system 6-to-4) and NAT64 (network address translation 6-to-4), which allows devices with an IPv6-only connection to still connect to IPv4 only servers.

This means, no matter if your servers are IPv6, or still only IPv4, you can use IPv6 only on the Telstra network and only have to code your application for a single network stack (instead of two).

The Telstra Wireless Application Development Guidelines require that all new IOT/M2M devices support IPv6 natively, and IOT/M2M applications and end-to-end services support IPv6, and that systems are configured either as a dual-stack or IPv6-only single stack.

Any large-scale deployments are expected to be IPv6-only single stack.

Therefore it is important to evaluate and test any devices for IPv6 capabilities.

The Zephyr operating system, on which the Nordic framework is based, has good support for IPv6, including IPv6-only networks such as Thread.

Setup of development certificates for Azure IoT

The Nordic SDK links to some Microsoft guidance for generating certificates, which is partially automated. For a development environment, we can make a few improvements to a fully scripted solution with a root certificate authority plus one intermediate authority to issue device certificates.

Sharing development certificates

To share development certificates between developers you should either share them manually, e.g. via USB or store them in a secure password manager (e.g. LastPass). This is useful if you have multiple developers who want to share the same root key stored but create their own private device keys.

Using multiple levels of intermediate certificates during development is also a good test to ensure that this architecture will be supported in the live environment

Folders that contain development certificates, including device certificates (particularly the private keys), should generally be kept outside of source control, or excluded (e.g. .gitignore) to prevent the leaking of credentials

In some cases, it may also be okay to put the development keys under source control to share them, with them marked for development use only, and that leaking them will not cause a security risk.

Preparing Azure IoT Hub

You will need an Azure IoT Hub instance to connect to.

If you don't already have a hub, you can follow some Azure IoT deployment instructions to create one. The instructions will create a unique hub name like iot-hub001-0xacc5-dev, derived from your subscription, which is used in the following scripts.

You can use your own hub by substituting the name or scope where used.

Device Provisioning Service (DPS)

If you want to test Device Provisioning Service, then the scripts will also create a linked DPS with a name like provs-iotcore-0xacc5-dev. You can retrieve the ID scope of the DPS via:

$dps = az iot dps show --name provs-iotcore-0xacc5-dev | ConvertFrom-Json

OpenSSL environment

When acting as a certificate authority, OpenSSL keeps a minimal database of certificates issued, so needs a working directory to keep the database and a configuration file for directory settings. We are creating two certificate authorities, so need two directories, each with a subdirectory for the database and issued certificates, plus a directory for device certificates:

mkdir dev-certs
cd dev-certs

mkdir rootca
mkdir rootca/certs
mkdir rootca/db
mkdir subca
mkdir subca/certs
mkdir subca/db
mkdir devices

Then create a configuration file for the root certificate authority:

[ ca ]
default_ca      = ca_default

[ ca_default ]
name            = rootca
home            = $name
database        = $home/db/index.txt
serial          = $home/db/serial.txt
new_certs_dir   = $home/certs
certificate     = $home/$name.pem
private_key     = $home/$name.key
policy          = policy_default
default_md      = sha256
default_days    = 3650
copy_extensions = copy
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash

[ policy_default ]
commonName      = supplied
'@ | Set-Content rootca.cnf

And the intermediate certificate authority:

[ ca ]
default_ca      = ca_default

[ ca_default ]
name            = subca
home            = $name
database        = $home/db/index.txt
serial          = $home/db/serial.txt
new_certs_dir   = $home/certs
certificate     = $home/$name.pem
private_key     = $home/$name.key
policy          = policy_default
default_md      = sha256
default_days    = 3650
copy_extensions = copy
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash

[ policy_default ]
commonName      = supplied
'@ | Set-Content subca.cnf

Root certificate creation

Set some initial values, generate the root development certificate, and then self-sign it.

touch rootca/db/index.txt
openssl rand -hex 16 > rootca/db/serial.txt

openssl req -config rootca.cnf -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes `
  -keyout rootca/rootca.key -out rootca/rootca.csr `
  -subj "/CN=Development Root CA" `
  -addext "basicConstraints = critical,CA:true" `
  -addext "keyUsage = critical,keyCertSign,cRLSign"
openssl req -text -in rootca/rootca.csr -noout

openssl ca -config rootca.cnf -selfsign -batch `
  -in rootca/rootca.csr -out rootca/rootca.pem
openssl x509 -in rootca/rootca.pem -text

The -nodes option means the private key will not be encrypted, and so can be accessed without a password.

By generating and then signing the certificate, it will appear in the root certificate authorities database and directory of issued certificates (ls rootca/certs).

Intermediate certificate creation

This can be loaded into Azure IoT Hub as the authority for device certificates (or you can use a longer chain if you want).

touch subca/db/index.txt
openssl rand -hex 16 > subca/db/serial.txt

openssl req -config subca.cnf -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes `
  -keyout subca/subca.key -out subca/subca.csr `
  -subj "/CN=Development Intermediate CA" `
  -addext "basicConstraints = critical,CA:true" `
  -addext "keyUsage = critical,keyCertSign,cRLSign" `
  -addext "extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth,serverAuth"
openssl req -text -in subca/subca.csr -noout

openssl ca -config rootca.cnf -batch `
  -in subca/subca.csr -out subca/subca.pem
openssl x509 -in subca/subca.pem -text

The certificate is generated in the subca folder but is issued by the root authority (ls rootca/certs now has two certificates)

Load the key into Azure and get the verification challenge

This is based on the IoT Hub created by the Azure scripts referenced above, with the name based on the subscription.

You need to load the certificate, and then generate a verification challenge (to then sign as proof of possession of the corresponding private key).

az login
az account set --subscription '<your subscription ID>'
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'

$iotName = "iot-hub001-0x$((az account show --query id --output tsv).Substring(0,4))-dev"
$certName = "cert-0x$((az account show --query id --output tsv).Substring(0,4))-subca"

$cert = az iot hub certificate create --hub-name $iotName --name $certName --path subca/subca.pem | ConvertFrom-Json
$challenge = az iot hub certificate generate-verification-code --hub-name $iotName --name $certName --etag $cert.etag | ConvertFrom-Json

Sign the challenge response and complete the verification

Generate a certificate with the challenge as the Common Name and sign it with the intermediate certificate private key (which the server can verify against the public key):

openssl req -config subca.cnf -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes `
  -keyout subca/proof.key -out subca/proof.csr `
  -subj "/CN=$($"
openssl req -text -in subca/proof.csr -noout

openssl ca -config subca.cnf -batch `
  -in subca/proof.csr -out subca/proof.pem
openssl x509 -in subca/proof.pem -text

This proof response will be the first certificate issued by the intermediate authority (ls subca/certs).

Then upload the result to complete verification:

$result = az iot hub certificate verify --hub-name $iotName --name $certName --etag $challenge.etag --path subca/proof.pem | ConvertFrom-Json

Cleanup certificate authorities

You can get a list of existing certificates and then delete when no longer needed.

$certs = az iot hub certificate list --hub-name $iotName | ConvertFrom-Json
$certs.value | ft name, etag, @{n='isVerified';e={$}}
az iot hub certificate delete --hub-name $iotName --name $certs.value[0].name --etag $certs.value[0].etag

Generate device certificates

You will need the device ID that will be used when connecting to Azure. We will use the device IMEI number, which is printed on a sticker inside the Thingy:91, e.g. "350457791791735879".

This needs to be manually set in the sample but is the auto-generated default value used in the Nordic asset tracking application sample. You can also override with your ID if needed.

Note if you are using DPS it uses a registration ID, which must match the common name on the device certificate. This is a separate value from the device ID, but will often be the same (e.g. if they must both match the same device certificate).

Create the device in Azure

With the device ID (the IMEI) you can create a device identity in Azure IoT Hub, with the authentication method of x509_ca which indicates the device will use a certificate signed by the authority that we have uploaded.

$deviceId = "350457791791735879"
az iot hub device-identity create --hub-name $iotName --device-id $deviceid --am x509_ca

If using DPS then the device will automatically be provisioned to the hub as needed.

Generate device certificate

We then use the device ID to generate the private key for the device, a signing request, and then sign with the intermediate key to create a device certificate.

openssl req -config subca.cnf -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes `
  -keyout "devices/$($deviceId).key" -out "devices/$($deviceId).csr" `
  -subj "/CN=$deviceId" `
  -addext "basicConstraints = critical,CA:false" `
  -addext "keyUsage = critical,digitalSignature" `
  -addext "extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth"
openssl req -text -in "devices/$($deviceId).csr" -noout

openssl ca -config subca.cnf -batch `
  -in "devices/$($deviceId).csr" -out "devices/$($deviceId).pem"
openssl x509 -in "devices/$($deviceId).pem" -text

The certificate and private key will be in the devices folder (ls devices), and a copy of the issued certificate will also be in the intermediate authority database (ls subca/certs).

The device certificate (and device private key) needs to be placed in the device, so the device can use the device private key to sign challenges, providing the signed response plus the device certificate.

Azure IoT Hub can then verify the signature against the device certificate, and validate the device certificate (which is signed by the intermediate certificate) against the uploaded intermediate certificate, providing the chain of trust to the device.

Cleanup devices

You can list known devices:

$devices = az iot hub device-identity list --hub-name $iotName | ConvertFrom-Json
$devices | ft deviceId, authenticationType, status, connectionState, lastActivityTime

And remove a device:

az iot hub device-identity delete --hub-name $iotName --device-id $deviceid

Load certificates to the Thingy:91

To provision the certificates to the device, we use a combination of the nRF9160: AT Client sample firmware and the LTE Link Monitor tool, as detailed in

You can use the sample as is, so you can just build from the SDK.

You can use the Toolchain Manager to open up a Terminal (in the dropdown next to the SDK version you are using), change to the directory where your example is, and build:

cd nrf/samples/nrf9160/at_client
west build -p -c -b thingy91_nrf9160_ns

Building the AT Client sample, showing a console with successful build output.

Preparing the Thingy:91

To insert the nano SIM you will need to take the orange rubber cover off the Thingy:91. During development you will want to keep the cover off so that you can easily access the on/off switch.

Nordic Thingy:91 with the cover off and a Telstra SIM card pack beside it.

You may also want to update the base firmware on the device — see the Nordic product site for details.


With the hex file build and the SIM card ready, you need to put the device into programming mode.

To do this, use the nRF Connect Desktop to launch the Programmer, connect the micro-USB cable, and then hold down the button in the middle while turning the Thingy:91 on. Holding the button will start the device in programming mode.

In the Programmer, select the device from the drop-down in the top left, clear any existing files, and then add the build/zephyr/app_signed.hex file that you just built. Make sure that MCUboot is enabled, which is the component that allows updating over the USB.

Click Write and confirm, and then wait for the image to be uploaded.

Loading certificates

Restart the device (without the button), connect to it with the LTE Link Monitor tool, and then go to the Certificate Manager tab.

In certificate manager, set:

  • Security tag: Enter "10". This is the default in the sample application, or you can choose the slot to use.
  • CA certificate: Open the azure-certs/BaltimoreCyberTrustRoot.crt.pem file (or download from Microsoft), and paste the contents in as the CA Certificate.
  • Client certificate: Open the device client certificate file (PEM), e.g. dev-certs/devices/350457791791735879.pem and paste the contents between (and including) the BEGIN and END lines into the Client certificate.
  • Private key: Open the device private key file (KEY), e.g. dev-certs/devices/350457791791735879.key, and paste it into the Private key.

Make sure you have definitely updated the Security tag and then click Update certificates.

Nordic development kit LTE Link Monitor, showing the Certificate Manager tab, with the details of the certificates to write to the device security tag.

The log will report when it is complete, and you will also see the AT commands that were sent in the Terminal window. You can also use AT%CMNG=1 to list the certificates in use.

Note that Microsoft is in the process of switching over their certificates, so you can also load the DigiCertGlobalG2TLSRSASHA2562020CA1.crt.pem file and configure it as a secondary certificate if you are planning long-term use of the device.

Once the certificates are loaded you can turn the device off.

Run the Nordic Azure IoT sample

You can create your copy of the sample application (so you can modify it) in VS Code. Use the Toolchain Manager to open VS Code with the correct SDK and extension.

The NRF Connect extension can then be used to 'Create a new application', and select a Freestanding application and your SDK and Toolchain (e.g. 2.3.0). Set a location to create the application, and use the template nrf/samples/nrf9160/azure_iot_hub. You can use a custom name if you want (I used thingy91_nbiot_azure).

You will also see a bunch of generic Zephyr samples, as well as the Nordic (nrf) specific ones.

New application creation, using the Nordic development kit in VS Code, from the nrf9160 azure_iot_hub sample.

Note that when you create the sample, it will initialise the folder as a git repository. If you don't want this, e.g. the folder is part of a larger repository, you can simply delete the .git folder, and then check in the initial code to your source control.

Configuring the sample

Before building you need to configure the prj.conf file with your hub and IoT Hub hostname.


A full example would store these values in configuration (or auto-generate) so that a single firmware binary can be deployed across multiple devices.

Building the sample

With the SDK terminal (opened from Toolchain Manager), change to the directory where you created the sample app, and build.

cd ~/Code/iot-demo-build/nordic/thingy91_nbiot_azure
west build -p -c -b thingy91_nrf9160_ns

Then use the Programmer to write it to the Thingy:91 (hold down the button while turning on, clear and select the new file build/zephyr/app_signed.hex, and Write).

Nordic development kit Programmer, showing successful write of the firmware to a device.

Running the sample

To view the debug output stream from the device you can listen to the micro-USB serial port. One easy way to do this is the nRF Terminal tab in VS Code. You can find this terminal in View > Command Palette (and then search for it), or via CTRL+J and then select the tab.

Click the start button in the terminal (top right) and connect to the serial port (usually /dev/ttyACM0 on Linux).

Turn the Thingy:91 off (the terminal will report Disconnected) and then back on again (without pressing the button) and you will see the device run the Azure IoT Hub sample.

Debug output from the default Nordic Azure Sample, showing successful connection to Azure IoT and sending events, viewed using the nRF Terminal in VSCode.

Running in an IPv6-only network

If we turn on debugging for the mqtt_helper then we will see that the device is connecting to an IPv4 address — not surprising as the packet data network connection defaults to dual stack and Azure IoT Hub only has an IPv4 address:

sly@sigil:~/Code/iot-demo-build/nordic/thingy91_nbiot_azure$ host
Aliases: is an alias for has address

In dual-stack mode, Telstra provides private IPv4 addresses to devices and runs network address translation (NAT44) to allow them to connect from that private network to public IPv4 addresses.

Telstra also supports IPv6-only connections, using NAT64 to connect from IPv6 to public IPv4 addresses.

Updating the sample for IPv6

Currently, the sample waits for the LTE packet data network (PDN) connection and then tries to connect to Azure. However IPv6 prefixes are sent in a separate notification after the initial network activation.

This means that if you run the code with IPv6 only it will fail, as it tries to resolve the address before IPv6 is fully configured.

For this sample we can just add a short delay, in src/main.c, after the connection and before initialising Azure:

	k_sem_take(&network_connected_sem, K_FOREVER);
	LOG_INF("Connected to LTE network");

  /* Wait for IPv6. TODO: Listen for PDN events, with timeout */

In a full application, we would listen to PDN events and wait for IPv6, with a short timeout (in case the network does not have IPv6).

Configuring for IPv6-only

We can easily configure the packet data network for IPv6-only operation in prj.conf:


We can also enable debug logging for mqtt_helper, the component that connects to Azure, to see the IP address resolution.


Example connection to Azure IoT Hub from IPv6-only network

Rebuild the application and deploy it to the device, connect to NRF Terminal and turn the device back on.

The additional logging will show the IPv6 address resolution, and then the successful connection to Azure IoT Hub:

Detailed debug output for NAT64 on an IPv6 only network, from the Nordic Azure Sample, showing successful connection to Azure IoT (at the IPv6 NAT address) and sending events, with additional logging from mqtt_helper, viewed using the nRF Terminal in VSCode.

The relevant log lines show the lookup of and the resolved IPv6 address of 2001:8004:11d0:4e2a::d46:4ac3.

[00:00:04.396,423] <dbg> mqtt_helper: broker_init: Resolving IP address for
[00:00:04.595,703] <dbg> mqtt_helper: broker_init: IPv6 Address found 2001:8004:11d0:4e2a::d46:4ac3 (AF_INET6)
[00:00:08.191,101] <dbg> mqtt_helper: mqtt_evt_handler: MQTT mqtt_client connected

This is a NAT64 address, although it is using a custom prefix of 2001:8004:11d0:4e2a:: instead of the standard 64:ff9b::.

The suffix d46:4ac3 is the same for standard DNS64 and contains the encoded IPv4 address: 0x0d = 13, 0x46 = 70, 0x4a = 74, 0xc3 = 195.

NOTE: While the underlying Zephyr OS has good support for IPv6, support in the Nordic mqtt_helper is relatively new and not available in v2.3.0. To run the sample above, I had to use the v-next development version.

Next steps

The sample application only shows a basic connection to Azure IoT Hub, and we did not use the device provisioning service (DPS) functionality.

We did, however, show a fully scripted approach to creating development certificates and registering devices in Azure IoT Hub.

We also showed how you can deploy and use the device in an IPv6-only network, following the Telstra Wireless Application Development Guidelines. This includes full support for the IPv4-only Azure IoT Hub endpoints, automatically using DNS64 and NAT64.

The next step would be to look at the Nordic Asset Tracker v2 application, which is a modular and configuration full sample application that includes support for Azure IoT, including configuration over the air (COTA) and firmware over the air (FOTA).

The application also supports AWS IoT and the LwM2M standard and can be used as the basis for your own IoT device firmware